Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Not so Mega?

Another band that comes to mind that for a long time seemed to be big, yet uncovered is Megadeth. Sure, Dwell records released a tribute album, just like they did for just about every half decent metal band, but that's about it.

However, recently it seems to be changing. Maybe the disappearance of Megadeth from the metal scene a few years back caused it, I don't know. Especially in Scandinavia there seems to be a real Megadeth revival. Arch Enemy, Kalmah, Nightwish, Alghazanth and most recently Mors Principium Est. What's striking is that 3 of those 5 chose to cover Symphony of Destruction and none of them covered anything from the classic albums Peace Sells and So Far, So Good, So What. Strange! You'd think that those are the albums that most current metal musicians grew up with.

Come to think of it. When you look at the big bands of the thrash era, Megadeth and Anthrax stay far far behind Metallica and Slayer when you look at covers. Clear distinction between the real gods and the close but no cigar gods, I suppose. Number of covers and quality related? Perhaps, yes. When you look in metal, it certainly shows who were really the influential bands : Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Metallica, Slayer, AC/DC, Venom. You have to wonder how things will look in 20 years from now. Will bands start covering Slipknot in the amounts Slayer's being covered now? Somehow I doubt it...